As a change of pace from all the characters I've been painting lately, I decided to tackle a squad of "line troops" - in this case, Undead Legionnaires from the Dark Legion. These are the lowliest of their troops, formed from the remains of soldiers slain on the battlefield and reanimated with the power of Dark Technology.
These particular Undead Legionnaire models were a later mold, released as a boxed set by Target Games. I much prefer the older models (of which I have a few), which look much more like former Corporate troops. These models look significantly different (robes, spiky armor, etc), so I wasn't sure how to incorporate them until I came across a description online
here that gave me the idea of dedicating them to Ilian. Ilian seems to play up the mystical aspects of the Dark Legion, and so having Undead Legionnaires that look more like typical fantasy undead made sense. I had my inspiration!
Warzone - Dark Legion
Undead Legionnaires of Ilian