Sunday, December 21, 2014

Reaper Bones: Grave Wraith

This weekend I finished up the last of the Haunts set with 77097 Grave Wraith.

I really liked this sculpt and had been looking forward to completing it (and the Haunts set) for several weeks.  However, my disappointing results with the last couple of figures in the Haunts set put me off of proceeding with this figure.  It's extremely difficult to paint the figure while preserving the translucent nature.  This figure require very little cleanup, and is much more rigid than typical Bones figures.

The green areas were painted primarily with VGC Goblin Green, taking care to keep the color only on upper or highlight surfaces, and leaving the recesses untouched.  The goal was to give some variation so the details could be seen, while not completely covering the translucent plastic.  The base was painted with VGC Charred Brown, and the gravestone and sword both painted with VGC Cold Grey.  Army Painter inks were used to wash the sword, gravestone, base, and inside the wraith's hood.

Conclusion:  Given how the last figure in this set turned out, I'm much happier with my results this time.  The figure still looks a little odd in some light (as the paint skews the translucency), but in person it has a neat mix of solid and translucent portions.  I'm also pleased with how the sword and gravestone turned out; nothing epic, but solid pieces with some smooth color transitions.

- M:M

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