Saturday, July 18, 2015

Reaper Bones: Sinessa, Hellborn Sorceress

Today I finished up another figure from the Bones I Bedevilled set:  77119 Sinessa, Hellborn Sorceress.

First Look:  This figure had somewhat mixed results during the transition from metal to Bones.  While a lot of the fine detail turned out well, the feet are somewhat hard to make out (I had to double-check the metal version to confirm they were cloven hooves).  Worse, the figure is a very flexible mix of plastic and doesn't hold its shape as well as the more solid Bones figures.  Definitely not the best example of what the Bones line has to offer.

Painting:  Lacking any clear concept for the figure, I decided to go with a sort of "default" devil appearance.  A medium-dark red skin (MSP HD Garnet Red, AP Soft Tone Ink) with black hair (VGC Coal Black).  The clothing is a dark gray (VGC Coal Black, Wolf Grey), with bronze (VGC Bright Bronze, AP Soft Tone Ink) metal pieces.  The staff and horns are bone (MSP Linen White, AP Soft Tone Ink), and the base is a medium-dark brown (VGC Earth, Dark Fleshtone, AP Strong Tone Ink).

Conclusion:  Given the small size of some of the details on this figure, I'm very happy with how clean my paint job turned out.  The red turned out nicely, though I need to enhance the shading/highlights (particularly on the face).

- M:M

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