Saturday, September 12, 2015

Rum & Bones: Don Quixote (Brute)

Last week I received my package for the Rum & Bones Kickstarter, and some people have asked how well the quality of the miniatures fared in the translation to plastic.  So, in an effort to show the level of detail (and because they are very stylistic pirate miniatures), I have painted up Don Quixote (Brute) from RB009 Mercenaries Heroes Set #2.

First Look:  The hero figures for Rum and Bones are all cast in colored plastic appropriate for their role.  In the case of Brutes (such as Don Quixote), they are a bright green.  The color of the plastic makes it hard to tell exactly how sharp the detail is on the figure (not unlike the white color on Reaper Bones figures).  As such, I really wasn't sure how the figure might turn out, or what potential issues might arise if there was any muddled detail on the figure.

Painting:  I used Don Quixote's hero card as a guide for the color scheme.  His pants, shirt, and shoe are a medium-dark yellow (VGC Plague Brown, Gold Yellow, AP Soft Tone Ink) and medium red (VGC Gory Red, AP Soft Tone Ink).  The hat, shoulderpad, belt, and spear haft are a medium-dark brown (MSP Ruddy Leather, Intense Brown, AP Strong Tone Ink).  The armor, shield, and spear haft are all silver over a black basecoat (VGC Coal Black, Chainmail, AP Dark Tone Ink).  His skin is a medium reddish tone (MSP Rosy Skin, AP Soft Tone Ink) with a pale white beard (VGC Bonewhite, AP Soft Tone Ink).  Finally, the base was painted a medium gray (VGC Cold Grey, AP Dark Tone Ink) with a green border (VGC Sick Green) to retain an indicator of the character's role in the game.

Conclusion:  Given that this was the first Rum & Bones figure I've painted and I wasn't sure how it might turn out, I am pleased to report that the figures do have a good amount of detail!  I think the character turned out very similar to the art on the hero card, and it should be obvious to the players which character this is.

The one downside is that the game comes with colored base markers, which players are supposed to slip onto the bases of the heroes they choose.  This alleviates any confusion over which figure belong to which players.  Unfortunately, with a painted base there's no way the markers can be used without scraping off the paint in the process.  However, given that players will have the hero cards for their five heroes right in front of them (and they can see the enemy's five hero cards), I really don't think the base markers should be necessary.  If anything, omitting the colored base markers will just make the players have to pay attention to what's going on!

- M:M

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